Owning your own business and controlling your marketing ventures is a lot of fun and can be rewarding– but it’s also a lot of work. From time to time it is good to think about some new marketing tips to help your business grow. Here are eight marketing tips you should consider:
Establish your “why”
If you are a new business owner or have owned your business for years, you always have to remember one thing: the reason why you are doing this. Ask yourself why you started your business. Reflect on those reasons often and use those reasons to help you effectively market your business. Make marketing moves that are intentional.
Have a plan
A marketing plan is not optional when it comes to your business. You can’t simply wing it or hope for the best. How often are you going to market your business? What forms of marketing are you going to use? Make a plan so you can hold yourself accountable. If you need some inspiration, marketing blogs for small businesses are helpful for entrepreneurs.
Make sure you have business cards
This is a requirement. Without business cards, how will someone you meet in person know how to get in touch with you? You don’t want to find yourself scribbling your contact info on the back of a receipt from the bottom of your purse.
Network and network some more
Word of mouth will always be one of the very best forms of marketing. Take the time to attend various events across industries and network with other business owners and the community. These are just a couple of many tips to build a better network.
Step outside of your comfort zone
It is not easy to put yourself – and your business—out there. However, if you want to survive and thrive, you need to go for it. Fear of change can hold your business back – but don’t let it! Get outside of your protected bubble. Seek ideas and opportunities to grow your business and grow as a business owner. Doing what is comfortable can work, but there comes a point when you have to push yourself further. Your business will reap the benefits.
Give your customers top-notch customer service
People will pay a little more for a product over a less expensive one if your customer service knocks their socks off. Give each and every customer exceptional service all of the time – anticipate problems and have resolutions, answer questions with clarity, and always thank your customers for their business. Treat your customers the way you want your favorite business to treat you.
Focus on relationship building
Small businesses want to work on building relationships with customers. This goes along with the point above about providing excellent customer service. Say thank you. Check-in with your customers on occasion to see if they have questions, concerns or feedback for you. Send birthday cards or thank you notes with a handwritten message. Build that relationship with your customers and they will likely continue to support you.
Utilize video
Videos don’t have to be costly and they don’t have to be done by the pros. Some of the most frequently viewed YouTube accounts are made with iPhones. Take some time to brainstorm for ideas for video content that give your business personality and start uploading them! According to a report from Vidyard, more than 98% of marketers say video produces better conversions that any other type of content.
Ultimately, make sure your business and products are high quality and fun. A strong business owner should let his or her personality shine through and always be authentic. Show the world why you love your business and the products and/or services it offers its customers. Authenticity works every time.