As you can see from the title of this post, this would be a so-called “reflection post” on 2022’s trends most WordPress responsive themes users were obsessed with. Okay, so here they come, the brightest WordPress web design trends of 2022.
In 2022’s chart, single-page WordPress websites occupied position #1. The reasons are just as simple, as creating a one-page website.
Having so many templates available one can launch a single-page website in a few hours. These websites will save you time on their development and money on maintenance. As rule owners of these websites don’t blog or use third-party platforms like Medium to publish their articles.
In 2022 the range of content builders was extended with several names like Elementor, Beaver, and MotoCMS. Even though they already existed in 2K21, this year they became extremely popular. But still not as popular as Visual Composer, this builder is still the most robust solution available for WordPress.
In the chart of the top 5 most important things, the website’s color scheme occupies position #2, right after the template. The color scheme is extremely important, it influences not only users’ emotions, but also makes them either love you or hate you. Color influences emotions, thoughts, and most important your website’s conversion rate. Here’s a great guide about top converting colors, I guess you need to print it and laminate it. As you may have heard Pantone has announced Ultimate Gray as the 2021 color. This color was chosen as a symbol of new beginnings. Lots of website owners have followed Pantone’s lead and made their sites a little bit more greenish. Here you can read more about Pantone’s Ultimate Gray.
Another great thing in terms of color inspiration is Google’s Material Design, even though they say that there are no wrong colors for some reason they have chosen specific colors for their palette and stuck to it. If I were you, I’d keep my eyes on the material color palette and would pick some awesome colors for my website. Even though Material Design as a trend was introduced in June 2014, more than 8 years already, oh God, it doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
Website designers became obsessed with typographic experiments somewhere at the end of 2020, last year their passion has grown and gained power, now in 2022 we can see an abundance of websites with such exquisite typography combinations that it’s hard to take your eyes off anyways.
The most important thing, most web designers and developers use Google Fonts, there’s a huge collection of fonts for any taste and purpose. The most important question here would be: “How to combine fonts anyway?” There is a great place called you can get some inspiration there, also, there’s a huge guide on the Creative Market blog: “How to Combine Fonts: 50 Tutorials, Resources, and Pro Tips“, use it if you want to perform successful typographic experiments.
This year embedded videos have become a lot more important than they were last year. In 2022 you might have seen videos everywhere, on website intros, blog posts, about pages, and team pages, used as product presentations or as background for a whole page. What you don’t know is that video will keep on rocking the web, according to Hubspot’s stats next year video traffic will be 80% of Internet traffic. Video streaming became extremely popular with services like Periscope or Meerkat. In most cases video is much better than a piece of 1000-word content, video can transfer your emotions directly “into the head” of your visitor. As for me the best possible way to use a video on some websites is to have a video background, no matter what’s on the video it will look really awesome.
Need for WordPress Speed was another obsession of most WordPress website owners, here’s a nice guide if you haven’t worked on the speed of your WordPress website yet. There you will find lots of tips and tricks that will help you speed up your website without sacrificing its looks or UX.
Google made the whole Internet a safe place, is your website doesn’t have a Secure mark in the address bar? then your rankings are doomed. Going secure is pretty easy all you need is an SSL certificate from a trustworthy provider, another thing is the cost of this certificate. For example, sells certificates starting from $268/year. Having a certificate is extremely important for eCommerce websites, as your visitors will see a Secure mark they are more likely to become your clients.
The year 2023 is here, so don’t forget to prepare your website for a bunch of new trends. You can start with a highly optimized WordPress theme, that already has on board all the things mentioned above.
Do you want to make your website more attractive? Feel free to check UI tips for Web Design Enthusiasts.